We’ve all read the devastating headlines about climate change and global warming, but many times it’s difficult to know exactly what you can do to help.
Do you have to give up animal products?
Get solar power?
Drive an electric car?
Fortunately, you do NOT have to change your entire life or give up meat to reduce your carbon footprint and become part of the solution.
In fact, in this week’s podcast with bestselling author, award-winning activist and co-founder of Project Drawdown, Paul Hawken, we talk all about his new book Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation and the simple steps you can take to help regenerate the planet.
We also talk about common myths about vegan diets, plant-based burgers and the diet we need to reverse climate change. Here’s what you’ll learn…
This has been one of my favorite podcasts to date, friends, so please listen in and share this incredibly important conversation with anyone you think it might help!
Valuable Resources:
Paul Hawken - Project Regeneration
>>> Learn more about Paul’s work HERE!
Wild Pastures Grass Fed & Pasture Raised Meat Delivery
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